Friday, December 2, 2011

Maternity Leave

Stroller Boot Camp is taking a break until after the New Year and will most likely resume classes March 5th. I am expecting baby #2 after the new year and will need some time to recover. Happy Holidays!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cottage Family Fitness & Baby Fair

Since I started Stroller Boot Camp in June of 2009, I have only relied on the wonderful word of mouth from my fabulous clients to keep my business going. Since most of my Moms have all gone back to work, I was wanting to find other ways to get the word out without having to spend an arm & a leg advertising since this is just a little ol' business run by a mama wanting to spend extra time with her baby. When I heard about the family fitness fair, I thought this would be a perfect chance to get out there and meet a bunch of new mamas wanting to get back in shape after they had their babies.

I had such a wonderful afternoon meeting a lot of the other vendors there, as well as a bunch of cute babies and their mamas.

If you happened to stop by my booth to check it out, you get a FREE week of Stroller Boot Camp. Also, because I still love to rely on word of mouth for my business, an extra bonus for you is if you refer 3 of your friends to boot camp and they sign up for a month class, you get a FREE photoshoot for your baby!!! What a deal! :)

For more information on Santa Barbara Stroller Boot Camp, click HERE
and for more information on my photography, click HERE

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Join Stroller Class in Jan. and Get a FREE Photoshoot!

In honor of the new year, I would like to offer a little perk for joining Santa Barbara Stroller Boot Camp during the month of January. If you join for the first time for a full session, you will receive a FREE photoshoot for your baby. If you have already previously attended class, but you refer one new Mom this month, you will also receive a FREE photoshoot! You can check out my website to see what a great offer this is:

Here are a few photos of some of the boot campers babies...

A new session starts this Monday Jan. 4th 10-11am Mon, Tue, Thur at Shoreline Park by the playground. You are welcome to start at any time during a session. Everyone is at completely different fitness levels, so the classes are designed for everyone, so you won't feel behind if you start in the middle of a session.

It is $120 for a month of class if you attend 3 days/week
It is $96 for a month of class if you attend 2 days/week
and it is $15 a class if you just drop in when you're able to make it.

Check out the Stroller Boot Camp website for more details on class:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Info - Santa Barbara Stroller Boot Camp


Welcome to Stroller Boot Camp!

SCHEDULE Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays 10:00-11:00am
4 week sessions
New class starts Monday November 2nd
(you may start at anytime throughout the 4 week session)
*You must be at least 6 week postpartum to attend

: Monthly $10/class ($120/month) Drop-in $15/class


Please contact me for location information
Kacie Fowle (805) 705-6264

As a new mother myself, I understand the daily grind that is "being mom." It takes a lot of energy to give all day long. To be a mother means to be exhausted - physically, mentally, and at times emotionally. You want the best for your child, yet you sacrifice (or can't find the time) the things that will make you happy. Are you foregoing getting back to your normal exercise routine because you can't let the little one out of your sight? If you've ever had these feelings, then Stroller Boot Camp is for you - AND YOUR BABY! At Stroller Boot Camp our mission is to introduce a unique, functional, interactive and spirited mother-child fitness plan that will help you take care of the next most important person in your world - YOURSELF!

Enjoy the outdoor location at Shoreline Park and other locations throughout Santa Barbara. Our workouts utilize the natural environment...paths, benches, grass, hills etc...

A focus on balance and stability to provide functional strength in your daily routines. Strengthen the hamstrings, glutes, hips, abs and back to help you get through your days with style, grace, and confidence - look and feel better about being the SUPER MOM that you are!

Interactive and Spirited
At SBC you will find a welcoming, supportive, and encouraging environment. Many of the exercises combine mother and child in coordination, in and out of the stroller. However, the level of involvement of your child is purely up to you! The great thing about SBC is the personal relationships that I get to build. Like I said, I understand what it is like to devote myself to the development of my child. Here, you can look forward to meeting new moms who share the same goals as you - get back in shape (loose that last bit of baby weight), restore that energy you thought you had lost, and enjoy the feeling of camaraderie as you and your baby embark on an exciting journey!

4 months ago I gave birth to my first beautiful baby girl. I am loving every single minute of being a new mother, but have found it hard to lose all the weight I put on during my pregnancy (55lbs!) I am looking forward to getting myself back in shape, while helping other mothers reach their own fitness goals!

I am a certified personal trainer and have worked in the fitness industry in Santa Barbara for the last 8 years. Since July of 2005, I have been a group fitness instructor for the Santa Barbara Body Boot Camp where I have been training all different fitness levels outdoors at the beautiful Shoreline Park.

Not only am I a personal trainer, but I am also a wedding/portrait photographer.
A perk of being a part of stroller boot camp, I would like to offer each participant a free photoshoot if they reach their fitness goal!
Check out my website at: